Bread & Poetry

Pumpernickel & Epistolaries with Myles Burr

Episode Summary

On this episode, we break bread with poet and performer Myles Burr and talk about pumpernickel, cheese danish, and Raymond Carver.

Episode Notes

On this episode, we break bread with poet and performer Myles Burr and talk about pumpernickel, cheese danish, and Raymond Carver. (Listen all the way til the end for some bloopers!)

Guest: Myles Burr, IG: @mylesburr, Website:

Bio: Myles Burr is an artist based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Specializing in freeform poetry, he takes readers through an abstract overview of his personal life. Burr hosts various readings and beat poetry events in the Seacoast Area. He is an administrator/board member of The Portland Poets Society (based in Portland, Maine.) He is the author of Therapy Is Expensive So I Wrote This Book Instead,  and has been published in three anthologies, You, Me, & The End of The World, The Best F-ing Poets You’ve Never Heard Of,  and UWA Poetry Review Issue 1. All four titles were released by the publishing house Underground Writers Association, based out of Portland, ME. Burr has also self-published five underground chapbooks: Convolutions Of An Unkempt Mind,  It’s Fine. I’m Fine., Ataraxia Volume 1, Sea Breezes, and most recently, A Buffoon In Pantomime. Growing up in the Greater Seacoast Area has allowed him to find inspiration in the drastic change of seasons both visually and viscerally. There is beauty in every corner of the world, but what fascinates Myles Burr most of all is people and the human experience.

Poems discussed: "The Old Days" by Raymond Carver and "54" by Myles Burr